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WKO - Safeguarding Policy

This Organisation adopts the following Club Child Protection Policy which is required for all WKO registered clubs to adhere to and support. – these policies are mandatory and acceptance of them is a non-negotiable requirement when becoming a member of the World Kickboxing Organisation.


· All clubs have a duty of care to Children and Young People [under 18 years of age] and the safety and welfare of them is paramount.


· All clubs must acknowledge that it has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure the well-being of Children and Young People within the club.


· All clubs will acknowledge that every child and Young Person has a right to enjoy membership and the sport of martial arts within a safe enjoyable setting.


· All clubs will continually review this policy in the light of identified ‘best practice’.


· All clubs will acknowledge that every member including Committee, Coach, Official, and Volunteer have a moral & legal responsibility to safeguard and promote every Child & Young Person’s welfare.


· All Clubs will be committed to ensuring that every Child & Young Person regardless of age, ability, racial origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or gender has a right to learn, participate in and enjoy Amateur Boxing, free of the fear and safe from abuse of any type.


· All Clubs will  ensure that required members of Committee, Coaches, Officials and Volunteers shall at all times possess a current World Kickboxing Organisation  Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check , which is registered with the World Kickboxing Organisation  DBS Umbrella Body [noncompliance with this clause will automatically exclude such persons; roles requiring check as per World Kickboxing Organisation  DBS Policy].


· All Clubs will  have appointed a Welfare Officer who shall administer this Child Protection Policy and shall be responsible for your induction which includes provision of the World Kickboxing Organisation  Child Protection Policy and instruction on Child Protection within the Club and World Kickboxing Organisation   ensuring your appreciation of its requirement of strict compliance.


· All Clubs will treat seriously and deal rigorously with any incidence of abuse and will at all times follow the procedures laid down in the World Kickboxing Organisation National Child Protection Policy.


· Any abuse or inappropriate behavior regarding Children & Young People will be challenged and dealt with appropriately.


· All Clubs will clearly understand that abuse comes in many forms which include Emotional, Physical and Sexual. Foul language, bullying and requiring an athlete to train at an inappropriate level is also recognised as a form of abuse.


· All Clubs will acknowledge that it is the responsibility of experts to determine whether or not abuse is / has taken place, it is however everyone’s responsibility to report concerns and / or abuse.


Always remember, in cases of concern or abuse –




10.00am - 6.00pm



10.00am 4.00pm




Unit 7 Rowms Lane 



S64 8AE

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